Pedodontics & Preventive Dentistry
Pedodontics and Preventive Dentistry is a subject that deals with the care and treatment of children’s teeth. It is thus an age defined specialty. It involves counselling parents regarding diet,Probotics, prevention and management of dental caries, pediatric endodontics, management of traumatic injuries of teeth, preventive and interceptive orthodontics, cosmetic dental treatment using latest technology, managing gingival and periodontal diseases in infants, children and adolescents including those with special health care needs.
The Department has undergraduate section along with a preclinical lab. The ambience of the clinical operatory is friendly, warm and cheerful to cater to the needs of small children. The students are well groomed in the subject with both preclinical education and clinical work. The department is very well equipped with all instruments and machineries to provide complete perfect care to all child patients under one roof. All surgical procedures are done under strict sterilization. Regular school dental camps are also organized to stress on the preventive aspect of dental diseases.
The department is of the firm belief that “Every child has a fundamental right to total oral health” and strives towards achieving this end.